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Application Questions and Answers «»

3 answer
Change of license holder's license
Good afternoon, how to change the license holder correctly?
1 answer
24.10.2022, 11:50
WAYFORPAY Merchant Website Domain Name What is it? How to specify correctly?
In the action "Create a request for payment in WAYFORPAY" there is a field Home name for the merchant website Do I understand correctly ...
5 replies
Personal license
23.10.2022, 19:13
The automatic action does not work, will turn the Instagram Direct message into a process
I made the settings from the video, messages enter the system https://senseeducation.1b.app/app/instagram-direct/, turn into chat https://senseeduc...
3 answer
Server change
We independently change the server and domain of the site from https://v10327.dh.net.ua/ to crm.al-store.com.ua (dns, after reading on...
1 answer
Personal license
23.10.2022, 13:36
Posting to a specific cell
There is an order to the supplier process https://senseeducation.1b.app/app/workflowtype-sklad/ it has a warehouse field for posting for posting to...
3 answer
21.10.2022, 14:08
Can I somehow get/buy an integration code with CallsApp?
11 replies
Personal license
21.10.2022, 12:34
Box OS file path
configure the action "Send price list every hour/day" (the action now indicates the name of the file we are interested in, box https://g...
1 answer
Personal license
21.10.2022, 11:45
Please change the base currency
You need to change the base currency crm https://gcompany.1b.app/ to Yuan CNY
1 answer
Personal license
21.10.2022, 11:02
Warning on closing the page
Recently, we often see the following situation during work: when saving the process after changes in the product table or when saving when adding a...
4 answer
20.10.2022, 23:21
Export broken xls and xls files
When opening an export file in Excel, an error appears when trying to restore the file opens, but not all products are