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Application Questions and Answers «»

2 answer
16.02.2023, 15:23
Open default filter
Here https://take.ms/Qqu6g https://rivcont.info/app/workflowtype-order/ The default filter when opening the page was closed. Now it is constantly o...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
16.02.2023, 15:09
BUG Conflict of task status display when displaying the list and when entering the task
HERE samboroborona, 1b, app We review the task from Help under this filter, screen 1287: app/workflowtype-03-spisannya/?filternumber=4331&workflowi...
1 answer
16.02.2023, 13:18
Does the integration https://1b.app/en/app/kazpost/ work?
Does the integration https://1b.app/en/app/kazpost/ work? It is possible to modify it in the same way as with NP - - formation of TTN, etc. there i...
9 replies
16.02.2023, 11:16
"Import export products" does not work
Guys, the export of products has not been working for several days. I did the export, and I see that it is completed, but the letter never arrived ...
3 answer
ТОРГОБОРУД начальник відділу зі збуту
16.02.2023, 10:15
Saving filters fly away
for example, in the led section, I choose a display method, I use it during the day, but with a certain periodicity this method independently chang...
2015964774 - Added a new business process action
Added BP action "Copy TTN parameters to/from parent process"
2015962006 - Added setting to "LiqPay two-step payment / Change funds blocking status" action
A setting has been added for the action "LiqPay two-step payment / Change funds blocking status" that allows you to make a partial refund.
2015964597 - The process filter by suppliers has been improved
For the process list filter "Process Vendor" added the ability to select multiple vendors at the same time.
2015964757 - Added setting to "Sell process content from warehouse" action
For the action "Sell process content from warehouse" item "Responsible process warehouse" has been added. Allows to use the com...
5 replies
15.02.2023, 18:26
No popup appears
We changed telephony from phonet to binotel, the settings are made in the same way. sent them a request. The window does not appear.