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Application Questions and Answers «»

7 replies
30.11.2022, 11:01
There was a problem, when moving a process from group to group, the process disappeared
Congratulations! Had a problem moving a process from group to group, it disappeared. Agreements and the process itself, if an agreement is found, i...
Some employees cannot enter the box
There was a mistake in the morning they cleaned the place, some can enter, and some just have a 500 error how can it be fixed?
18 replies
30.11.2022, 10:38
Call Events (Asterisk)
Good afternoon! Integration with PBX based on Asterisk is connected. There is no data in the event application, neither for outgoing or incoming ca...
3 answer
30.11.2022, 10:14
The signature is displayed crookedly
Congratulations! I encountered a problem when adding a signature, with photos, contacts, etc. when sending mail through the comments, the photo doe...
10 replies
When deleting products, the images are also deleted?
In automation there is such an item: Remove products from Opencart that are removed from OneBox When deleting these products on the site from openc...
7 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
29.11.2022, 18:08
Counting the number of components in the product passport
Hello! Tell me how many hours of refinement is needed in the product passports to summarize the number of components ?
3 answer
29.11.2022, 15:55
Server Tuning
Hello. After failures, boxing stopped working on hetzner. Support says that everything is ok with the cloud. Help solve this problem
1 answer
Personal license
29.11.2022, 14:05
Styles in head
Tell me, is it possible to prescribe styles in the head? An example of the code that was written in the head: <style> .form-group, .mb-3 { ma...
3 answer
Альфа шина Руководитель интернет проекта
29.11.2022, 12:14
After payment, an HTTP ERROR 500 error appeared and there was no way to access the site
4 answer
28.11.2022, 13:19
Can't deploy backup box
Hello! When deploying the backup, the error "Available only in OneBox paid cloud plans" appears, although the box is on a paid plan https...