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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015078150 - Improved action "Create a process based on a missed call"
The action "Create a process based on a missed call" creates processes based on calls that are in the events in the status “ANSWER” and “...
2015079761 - Improved brand display for stock balances
The field that displays the brand of the product has been improved on the page "Balance in warehouses"
2015076189 - Action when creating a contact “Clear contact field based on another field”
Improved action when creating a contact card “Clear contact field based on another field”. The action checks if the equality is true - if yes, the ...
2015079004 - Improved integration with Binotel
In integration with Binotel, the automatic action "Automatically add UTM tags to processes based on Binotel Call Tracking" has been impro...
2015077951 - Improvement of the action “Export products in YML format”
For the automatic action once a day “Export products in YML format”, the checkbox “Do not pass the parentId attribute for a category if there is no...
2015076862 - Improvement of the report "Balance of clients"
For the “Customer Balance” report, the checkbox “Display the final balance of obligations as the sum of our balance and the client’s balance” has b...
2015077944 - Improvement of the action “Automatically create TTN”
For the “Automatically create waypoint” business process action, the checkbox has been improved: “Regardless of other settings, take the declared c...
2015076050 - Editing the actual payment process
- in the table for displaying actual payments, the “Process” column has been improved, in which you can change the process to which this payment wi...
Added automatic action "Equalize the balance of the product in the warehouse in accordance with the value of the additional field"
Added a new automatic action once per minute "Equalize the balance of the product in stock in accordance with the value of the additional fiel...
2015031139 - Added the ability to re-account a separate warehouse cell
Previously, if an item in the warehouse is in a bin, it could not be selected in inventory. Improved the possibility of re-accounting a separate wa...