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Application Questions and Answers «»

7 replies
13.07.2023, 19:37
Add the ability to load icons in the LC menu
Here https://univer.1b.app/app/box-client/menu/block/settings/ Add the ability to load icons from a file (Fig. 1). How many hours does it take to...
Incorrect barcode formation in EAN-13 format
Product example https://box1.luxshina.ua/app/product/267932/edit/ It was automatically assigned the 11-character barcode 00002679327 upon creation....
3 answer
13.07.2023, 17:07
Additional fields of the process product are not displayed in the product search block
After transferring the box from mvp to Os, when adding a product from the product search block, add. size and color of product fields for analogs o...
5 replies
13.07.2023, 15:50
Does the declared functionality of OneBox OS not work?
In the video overview of OneBox OS functionality https://youtu.be/lRhmDT2efuc and video instructions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=De9jMvf5LE0, i...
2 answer
13.07.2023, 14:29
Doesn't switch orders via bulk edit
Here https://sara.1box.link/app/workflowtype-order/ The order https://sara.1box.link/54104/ is transferred in bulk to the "NEW. ZMOVL" stage (Fig....
6 replies
13.07.2023, 14:01
Writing a full array to a field (API)
Based on the task https://1b.app/ru/forum/business-processes-and-automation/17359-zapis-answer-iz-... Here https...
1 answer
13.07.2023, 11:38
Change time zone
https://xbooks.1b.app/ need to change server time to Warsaw, Poland
2 answer
13.07.2023, 11:00
It is not possible to delete an SMS from the sending queue
There is an action that sends an SMS to the author of the process. "Send SMS message" But there is no way to remove such an SMS from the queue
1 answer
13.07.2023, 10:16
In the interface, the ability to clear fields is gone
Here https://gamacrm.1b.app/19913/ earlier there was a basket icon opposite the fields (Fig. 1) and you could quickly clear the field. Now she's g...
Boxing switched the order status not according to the specified algorithm. bug.
at the stage of the parent process, the action Switch process status is configured depending on the presence of client processes or subprocesses in...