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Application Questions and Answers «»

Is it possible to make the Additional field of the Product of the process as a link to the site. perhaps evaluate the improvement
the product card contains links to this product on the sites, I have 3 sites, there in the Additional field of the String type (I also tried Text) ...
Integration with Webasyst image import
Good afternoon, There is a problem with importing product photos. Webasyst offers two settings for generating image filenames - system generated an...
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
26.02.2021, 17:40
Incorrect action "Add process products to/from lookup(s)"
By adding the "Add process products to/from directory(s)" - https://prnt.sc/107o2en enter the value for "Setting up field comparison...
1 answer
"send SMS" action settings error
- transition time to the process and settings to the stage. - stage settings wanted to delete sms. - but there was no delay of 15 minutes. why?
4 answer
26.02.2021, 17:13
Send email to client
Good day. Show how you can solve the problem: Applications from clients often arrive at non-working hours. Such clients need to be informed about t...
15 replies
26.02.2021, 16:47
Automation of products Fill in the product card based on the materials of the passport
Good afternoon. Tell me, is it possible to automatically start recalculating the price of the finished product when the price of the component chan...
6 replies
Nova Poshta (dimensions and volumetric weight)
we have such a checkbox in the integration The client has a question, how much will it cost to finalize so that if at the time of creating the TT ...
8 replies
26.02.2021, 16:24
Server access
On April 23, 2020, we provided SSH access to the new Server Linux C6-53 server to which the OneBox system was migrated. The accesses were sent to R...
2 answer
Запорожская Трансформаторная Ассоциация (Начальник IT)
26.02.2021, 15:42
Mail integration not working correctly
Hello. I represent the Zaporozhye Transformer Association, Artem Timofeev used to be the integrator, now he redirected here. The essence of the iss...
3 answer
26.02.2021, 15:38
Search in crm OneBox does not work correctly
box rivcont Yesterday they began to notice the problem, the search stopped displaying information correctly. There is a product "Sauna Massage...