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Application Questions and Answers «»

Integration with wildberries.ru
Is it possible to integrate with wildberries.ru and how much will it cost requirements: provides an opportunity for partners, working with the trad...
1 answer
15.03.2021, 15:00
Copying emails from the parent process
There is a process https://hte.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/lead/305/edit/ It contains letters (correspondence with the client) on the 12th I c...
1 answer
15.03.2021, 14:12
Esputnik order transfer
There is a method https://esputnik.com/support/rabota-s-zakazami It is necessary to transfer orders to esputnik at a certain stage by an action Als...
5 replies
15.03.2021, 14:09
Unable to add item to order
Why is it not possible to load goods into an order (of any BP), both at the stage of order formation and in the order itself?
3 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
15.03.2021, 13:57
fix save contact
when trying to disable some action in automations for products https://portal.flytechnology.ua/admin/products/action/update/edit/ after saving and ...
6 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
15.03.2021, 13:35
Why payments with liqpay are not created when paying online
I make a payment using the link https://integrator.com.ua/payment/liqpay/2/?paySum=1&orderid=1137 , After payment, I was redirected to the succ...
10 replies
15.03.2021, 13:25
Good afternoon! help find the reason, orders from OPENCart do not get into the BOX
7 replies
15.03.2021, 13:16
Sending transactional messages via viber/sms via action
Good afternoon. We have connected the action of sending transactional messages via Viber by default, if the message cannot be sent in Viber, the me...
4 answer
15.03.2021, 13:15
Error 500 when uploading to a table
When uploading more than 1000 orders to the table, it gives a 500 error while uploading to 3000-4000 sends a file to the mail sometimes it turns ou...
7 replies
15.03.2021, 12:59
In the action "PromUA / receive client messages from PromUA as tasks" add the ability to select a stage
Good afternoon! I ask for the action "PromUA / receive messages from clients from PromUA as tasks" to add the ability to select a stage, ...