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Application Questions and Answers «»

2 answer
28.07.2023, 12:39
Incorrectly makes a payment in the task
Hello! In the task https://topbox.1b.app/11440/ there is one product worth 370 UAH (process amount). The task also contains an incoming payment in ...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
28.07.2023, 12:17
Contact person when creating TTN
Good day, Please let me know if the contact person for whom the power of attorney has been issued is indicated in the settings of the NP office. Bu...
2 answer
28.07.2023, 00:59
Tell me, what is the value of "size (warehouse)" in the product itself responsible for?
During the inventory, they found failures in the processes associated with this value, but could not understand what function this value had. Can y...
Tell me how to correctly enter the variables into the array, so that the client receives a list of process products on his e-mail
Write-off of goods
Tell me if it is possible to somehow configure it so that it is possible to download a file for writing off goods, as there is such a function for ...
3 answer
27.07.2023, 15:19
Integration with Khorosp
Good afternoon, we have configured auto-update of products in Khorosop with CRM, but we have a problem in CRM with languages. Namely, we have some ...
9 replies
27.07.2023, 14:27
Import products into process by regular expression
Here https://prnt.sc/xQxggCWcn499 (Figure 1) https://fr-auto.1box.link/app/workflowtype-rabota-so-skladom/workflowstatus/144/... ther...
Bug boxing makes text autocorrect into English
created a new product https://lums.crm-onebox.com/app/product/8600/edit/ in the field SEO keywords (keywords) (ru) I write words in Russian, save, ...
3 answer
ІнваФішки, консультант
26.07.2023, 16:12
The time of a missed call differs from the time of task creation by 40-60 minutes
Need help with settings as it is very critical to get the missed call task not after 40-60 minutes as it is now, but with a minimal gap in time. ...
2 answer
26.07.2023, 14:45
Telegram not connecting
I connected the token, turned on the webhook, set automatic actions once a minute. Telegram messages are not coming. https://fckryvbas.1b.app