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Application Questions and Answers «»

2 answer
Запорожская Трансформаторная Ассоциация (Начальник IT)
26.02.2021, 15:42
Mail integration not working correctly
Hello. I represent the Zaporozhye Transformer Association, Artem Timofeev used to be the integrator, now he redirected here. The essence of the iss...
3 answer
26.02.2021, 15:38
Search in crm OneBox does not work correctly
box rivcont Yesterday they began to notice the problem, the search stopped displaying information correctly. There is a product "Sauna Massage...
10 replies
Refinement of the block of reports: Table of contacts
In such a table https://prnt.sc/107kqfy , additional logic is needed 1) Add a column - Maximum sales per month: We look at the client by the date o...
please eliminate the BUG of the system with incorrect write-offs and errors in them.
I repeatedly contact those support with problems related to double write-offs for BP, that the goods were not written off and it has Shipped listed...
4 answer
26.02.2021, 14:19
Forming an order and data for sending via NP
Good afternoon! Drop formed an order through personal account In the basket, I indicated the name and surname of the client, chose the branch and s...
19 replies
26.02.2021, 14:03
The action in the procedure "Change the date of the warehouse transaction" does not work
In BP 52, the procedure "Change the date of a warehouse transaction" (editing action) does not work. This procedure should take the date ...
1 answer
26.02.2021, 13:24
Domain change
The client has a redeemed license + template 23 and wants to change the domain What data is needed from the client and how many hours will it take?...
7 replies
26.02.2021, 13:00
Transferring Context to viber bot
Good afternoon. I send the client a link with a link to a viber bot of the following form: viber://pa?chatURI=ohrana_ua&context=131832&text...
13 replies
26.02.2021, 12:42
Do not import products from the site
Do not import products from the site. There are no new products in the box
6 replies
26.02.2021, 12:09
Pardon of the address at the warehouse-door
The client blames the pardon of the address in case of NP Warehouse-Doors: https://prnt.sc/107h8vn The editing method has automation enabled: https...