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Application Questions and Answers «»

9 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
03.03.2021, 10:02
fix the "Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via DB)" action (product categories are not uploaded)
there is such a product https://ramservice.in.ua/admin/shop/products/12424/edit/ in opencart it has no associated categories products are uploaded...
Customization of the Template23 template
Good afternoon! As far as I understand, there will be no individual modification of the Template23 template at the request of the client in the fut...
4 answer
03.03.2021, 09:12
Need to change domain
You need to change the system domain https://vzuto.crm-onebox.com/ on the https://vzutik.crm-onebox.com/ You also need to connect a free ssl certif...
2 answer
03.03.2021, 02:04
opencart 3.0
boxing: ltg Enabled Opencart integration Set up and upload files to opencart hosting Added box IP to remote database connection Registered in openc...
Autoclient Account Statement
I want to tie up a statement on another current account to the van box. A few months ago I already set up this integration, but now I can’t find th...
2 answer
Администратор проектов
03.03.2021, 00:00
Is it possible to combine 2 or more businesses in one box?
I have a respected client who has quite complex settings, many integrations with other systems and constantly improves them. Now they are starting ...
2015752988 - Improvement of integration with ROZETKA
For the functionality of integration with ROZETKA, the setting "If this setting is enabled, the customer's phone number will be included i...
2015752273 - Added interface block for messaging with Whatsapp
The "Whatsapp chat with process client" block has been added to the process interface, which allows you to chat with the client in Whatsapp.
2015755086 - Added a filter to the "Sales Report"
The "Payment Method" filter has been added to the "Sales Report". The filter is displayed in the report by the setting.
2015749680 - Added automatic action once a day "Delete sources"
Improved new automatic action once a day "Delete sources". There are settings in action: - delete sources created more than N days ago; -...