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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
21.03.2021, 18:04
Translation of the "Buy" button into "Buy" in Ukrainian.
Multilanguage enabled. When the Ukrainian language in the product category with the "Buy" button When the Ukrainian language on the prod...
2 answer
21.03.2021, 17:27
Subject: Process update action
Now there is an action that updates the process at a certain hour of the day. Is there such an action that will update the process in N minutes / h...
1 answer
21.03.2021, 13:22
Process filters
The concept Today and Now are different concepts, and at the moment in the filter the button "today" performs the function "now&quot...
1 answer
21.03.2021, 13:07
Create notification in notification center
The comment is created in the process, but the notification itself is not created in the communication center. What could be the reason?
1 answer
21.03.2021, 11:22
The procedure Transfer the business process to this stage does not work correctly if the stage of sending New mail forwarding has changed
We have the status Forwarding being delivered, and at this stage the procedures "Move the business process to this stage if the stage for send...
1 answer
21.03.2021, 09:33
Set to parent
Tell me, is it possible to make a line highlighting option (in the block of subprocesses, and subsequent processes of the client), if some process ...
1 answer
21.03.2021, 09:25
Line highlighting in the subprocesses block
Tell me, is it possible to highlight the processes in the block of subprocesses that are "open"? If there is no such option now, can it b...
2 answer
21.03.2021, 09:15
Block in the process interface
Please make sure that the block that is in the narrow strip of the process interface does not have to be scrolled too. That is, so that the block a...
2 answer
Sorting cities and branches Nova Poshta
How to get the same refinement in cloud box https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/logistics-and-delivery-services/7550-vibor-gor...
2 answer
20.03.2021, 17:54
Good afternoon! What services (constructors) of chatbots in messengers does OneBox have ready-made integrations with?