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Application Questions and Answers «Contacts»

1 answer
30.09.2022, 11:16
Does not open events
Good afternoon, if you use the "communication history" block in a contact and click on the name of an event, the event does not redirect ...
Not correctly displaying the number of contacts in the category
https://hdp.1b.app/desktop/ Bachimo in category without group showing 1580 contacts. But if it is transferable, then there are no contacts in this ...
1 answer
Not unique fields
Good day I'm starting to work out with the principle of One Box robots, and myself as an addendum Contact The problem is that I cannot add one ...
9 replies
15.09.2022, 16:55
Rate: Add the ability to select multiple groups of contacts to additional fields with the Contact directory type
Good afternoon. Please rate: Add the ability to select multiple groups of contacts to additional fields for contacts with the Contact directory typ...
9 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
14.09.2022, 12:19
Display the customer's preferred delivery and payment methods on the customer's card
There is a task to record in the Client's card the methods of delivery and payment that the Client has chosen and which he prefers. This is nec...
1 answer
07.09.2022, 15:52
Can't change client type
Here http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/contact/4379/ We are trying to change the client type to a supplier and get an error that the company name or fu...
1 answer
01.09.2022, 10:05
Refine the filter in bonuses
When I open the Bonus tab https://datapoint.center/admin/shop/users/3/bonus/ It is necessary to make sure that when an employee enters his bonuses,...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
23.08.2022, 14:16
OS, Znik interface for contacts - company
Good afternoon, today we noted that a rich contact with the type of company does not have an interface. Apply: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/cont...
1 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
23.08.2022, 14:12
Current contacts are displayed incorrectly
Current contacts are displayed incorrectly https://drukaryk.1b.app/app/contact/15263/ https://drukaryk.1b.app/30654/
6 replies
16.08.2022, 17:21
Bug - Spontaneous contact renaming
This is not the first time I notice that my contact is renamed by itself. We have all contacts written in Latin, but for some reason he changes to ...