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Application Questions and Answers «Messenger aggregator (multichat)»

2 answer
01.05.2024, wednesday, 12:58
Very urgent - General chat is not displayed ‼️
The employee's general chat no longer appears in processes as of today. The problem is related to E-chat: if there is an existing corresponden...
3 answer
12.02.2024, 15:59
In the calendar pop-up window, the chat does not scroll down to new messages
When opened in a popup window, the chat does not scroll down to new messages. When you open a process in a separate tab, new messages are immediate...
2 answer
24.12.2023, 16:15
General chat window size
Good afternoon, please make some minimum height for the chat block so that on small screens you can see more than one message, such as in the chat ...
20 replies
10.12.2023, 15:21
Variables in template comments in the General chat block
Good afternoon Can you please implement variable substitution in template comments in the General Chat block? Ideally, substitution at the time of ...
2 answer
28.03.2023, 17:58
How to install the multichat application? What price
How to install the multichat application? What price
How does Messenger Aggregator work?
I plugged it in but there are no settings or anything