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Application Questions and Answers «Client's personal account»

1 answer
18.05.2022, 22:21
Prohibit buying goods that are not in stock
Good afternoon, how can I prohibit the purchase of goods that are not in stock in the client's office?
1 answer
28.04.2022, 13:03
Switching product pages in personal account
https://crm.dobavki.ua/client/product/list/?filterbrandid%5B%5D=22&filternam... Opened the products page, filt...
2 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
26.04.2022, 23:18
Non-clickable items for editing
In the settings of the universal block, non-clickable items (Fig. 1) here https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/boxclient/10/interface/?workflowid=2&am...
2 answer
11.04.2022, 10:25
Bug in the PSU settings interface
box https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/boxclient/10/interface/?workflowid=2&status... With the settings of the Universal field display block in ...
1 answer
29.03.2022, 16:05
BUG: Filling in the field in the process product with the "tick" type does not work
https://voltdetailing.1b.app/344/ The process product has an additional field "Viconano" https://voltdetailing.1b.app/admin/shop/workflo...
Access to crm https://smartkids.crm-onebox.com/
Please send your login and password to enter the system to kristin.chicherinda@gmail.com, as the old login and password do not work
Password merged https://gmstore.crm-onebox.com/ unable to login
Switched from tariff 5 to tariff 1 in the cloud service. After that, it is not possible to enter the SRM. Wrong username and password combination. ...
5 replies
24.03.2022, 16:23
Adding products to personal account
https://crm.dobavki.ua/client/product/list/ Products for selection are displayed, it displays how much is in stock. Let's say quantity 1 in sto...
1 answer
20.03.2022, 09:52
Display product category in personal account
In the personal account on the Products page https://crm.dobavki.ua/client/product/list/ Need to add a "Category" column to display the f...
12 replies
14.02.2022, 14:20
Mobile version of the Personal Account
Good afternoon! We want to order a mobile application for a personal account. Need advice on this issue.