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Application Questions and Answers «Client's personal account»

2 answer
Администратор проектов
16.03.2021, 14:15
What will happen to the personal account functionality in the new OneBox OS?
The rental client is interested in what will happen to the LC in the new OneBox OS, because now there are questions about improvements, but it is n...
1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
09.03.2021, 21:28
correct hiding of the "gender" field in the cart of the client's cabinet
in the settings of the Cart page, client account (cart block) set the client's "Gender" field to hide , saved this field is not miss...
1 answer
09.03.2021, 13:30
Loyalty program for the client
Good afternoon. There is a site on opencart which we are developing now. It is necessary to build a loyalty program for customers in the CRM system...
1 answer
Question to the guide to the Personal Account in OneBox OS
As it became known from the presentation of OneBox OS, it is not planned to leave the functionality of a personal account in it. For me, the presen...
9 replies
23.02.2021, 14:34
Personal account Registration
Good day... faced the same problem in LC When clicking the "Register Client" button... nothing happens to be more precise, there is a red...
1 answer
Add address Nova Poshta V LK
In the personal account, the client sets the Delivery Method of the IR with which the integration is connected. In the admin panel, in the process ...
13 replies
18.02.2021, 14:23
Custom personal account in 2 languages
https://crm.tcc.com.ua/client/ We finalized the personal account, there are custom blocks. Now everything is displayed in the LC in Russian. We nee...
1 answer
16.02.2021, 09:46
Choice of delivery method and branch of NP in the order
Good afternoon, tell me how to implement the selection of the NP branch through additional process fields, the task arose so that the client could ...
11 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
08.02.2021, 14:19
Delete directory entries through your personal account
Here is a link to your personal account https://mail097480.crm-onebox.com/client/order/140/#done This is how we display the list of client addresse...
6 replies
07.02.2021, 13:30
Customizing the shopping cart interface in your account
Good afternoon! 1. How to remove the "discount" field from the cart and leave only the total (here is an example from a similar account ...