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Application Questions and Answers «Binotel»

1 answer
01.03.2024, 20:42
The click simulation in the pop-up window does not work
Here https://everest.1b.app/app/binotel/call/windows/block/ It is configured so that when a pop-up window appears, there will be an imitation of cl...
Bug created for missed calls from Binotel
During business hours, the action "Create a process based on a missed call" works! https://askoart.1b.app/app/event/7329/ - event https://askoart.1...
1 answer
Personal license
01.12.2023, 18:24
In "Events" the recording of a call from Binotel telephony is not displayed
In "Events" the recording of a call from Binotel telephony is not displayed. Binotel technical support checked, the call is transferred successfull...
13 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
14.11.2023, 18:12
finalization of integration. recorded in additional event fields
Project https://jaluzi-service.1b.app In the integration settings with Binotel telephony, please https://i.imgur.com/Ln1dNyM.png 1. add the ability...
3 answer
20.09.2023, 17:46
The conversation recording does not appear in OneBox
We recently connected telephony from Binotel, we are still setting it up, perhaps we are missing something in the settings / nuances. Please tell m...
1 answer
Personal license
07.08.2023, 14:35
Outgoing not working
Integration works calls come to CRM, https://prnt.sc/bOLTd5ivjr4m and it is possible to call only directly from Binotel, but from CRM it gives an ...
4 answer
03.06.2023, 11:20
Work with the process (Ice)
The essence of the task: The client previously worked at Bitrix24 and his managers were used to working DURING the conversation with the client wit...
2 answer
31.03.2023, 11:20
outgoing call does not work
Good afternoon. I have a problem, when I try to make an outgoing call from OneBox, it gives the following message https://img.crm-onebox.com//media...
3 answer
10.03.2023, 13:16
The outgoing call does not go through
When trying to make an outgoing call, an error appears Binotel API error Message A: Check the correctness of the integration settings The following...
There is a need to make outgoing calls from various Binotel lines
Integration with Binotel is configured for the client. Two internal lines are assigned to the manager. https://construct.1b.app/app/contact/15/ Is ...