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Application Questions and Answers «Automation»

3 answer
24.04.2023, 14:36
Search for processes for payments by regular expression
Here https://brightbox.1b.app/app/automatization/hour/edit/ Action "Automatically allocate customer payments to processes" It is necessary to refin...
4 answer
19.04.2023, 08:56
"Integrate XML Products (Export)" action does not work
Good afternoon I ask you to check - the "Integration of XML Products (Export)" automation action does not work, the data in XML is not updated. Tha...
2 answer
14.04.2023, 14:01
The "Integrate XML Products (Export)" action does not work and there is a problem with the API
Good afternoon Boxing - azing.1b.app and savteam.1b.app The "Integrate XML Products (Export)" action in automation does not work, the data in the X...
5 replies
11.04.2023, 13:45
Is it possible to use any variables in addition to additional fields in the "Write value in the product field depending on the fulfillment of conditions" action?
In the testing process, it turned out that only additional fields can be used in this action (on the minute crown) "Write the value in the pro...
4 answer
11.04.2023, 08:31
Bug. Automation
Good day, when you go to automation you can see that there are prescribed automatic actions. But when, for example, you directly switch to automati...
5 replies
04.04.2023, 16:49
Question (may be improved): how to use the "Integrate CSV Products (Export)" action to transfer data with multiple data?
With the “Integrate CSV Products (Export)” action on the clock crown, you need to transfer data in several languages. That is, there is already RU,...
3 answer
04.04.2023, 16:26
Old revision question: Can't upload "additional image" in "CSV Product Integration (Export)"
Previously ordered a revision for the action "Integration of CSV products (Export)" - https://1b.app/ru/forum/business-processes-and-automation/165...
Pictures are not updated through the Universal import of products (xml / json)
Good afternoon. Pictures are not updated through the Universal import of products (xml / json) The Update images checkbox is selected. Please he...
2 answer
13.03.2023, 17:35
Is it possible to change the automation from "once per minute" to "once every 3 minutes"?
Is it possible to change the automation from "once per minute" to "once every 3 minutes"? Here it is: Can't find how to do this.
12 replies
08.03.2023, 09:47
Urgently! Fix the operation of the minute horseradish!
Urgently!!! Already on the third day, it does not work normally, the minute crown cannot work! https://crm.tdp.com.ua/