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Application Questions and Answers «Automation for products»

1 answer
28.03.2024, 23:09
Execute a GET request with parameters
What variables can be used for a get request and how to substitute them correctly After creating the TTN, I want to send it to my server, but the...
Automate the addition to the purchase price
Good afternoon, how to automate the addition. It is necessary to add +125 to the amount of the purchase price and display it in a separate column, ...
1 answer
05.12.2023, 11:23
What exactly does product automation 1 time per day
You can start automation for all products once a day. What kind of automation does the system run? On creation/on editing/on recalculation? Or all/...
Procurement process
Good afternoon, I have set up an automation once a day, a process for purchasing goods that have reached the minimum reserve. A certain category an...
2 answer
25.09.2023, 22:03
Very urgent! Actions in "Automation for Products" partially stopped working
After the weekend, the action "Fill in an additional field based on additional fields and directory data" stopped working. At first I thought it ha...
5 replies
29.08.2023, 16:13
Why does the system, when copying a product, copy the creation date and ignore (overwrite) the creation action
It turns out that there are the following features of the system: 1. When copying a product, the system copies the data from the "Creation date" (c...
2 answer
01.06.2023, 19:18
Adding a Standard Field to an Action
Good afternoon. Noticed that in automation for products. Action "Calculate the value using the formula and write to the specified field&qu...
3 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
28.04.2023, 18:28
Add month variable to check month by number
Here https://chekhol.1b.app/app/automatization-products/update/edit/ You need to add the month variable to get the number of the current month "1",...
7 replies
06.04.2023, 10:39
Task if the product has expired
Good day There is an additional field in the contact card with the type "date" Is there an automatic action or some mechanism that would allow crea...
3 answer
23.03.2023, 17:09
How can you collect information in the product from additional fields of similar products (by model) or some additional field
The essence of the problem: There are several products with the same model range, that is, for example, there are 5 products, they are all the same...