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Application Questions and Answers «Automation for products»

Product status automation
Good afternoon Interested in product status automation We currently have availability and out of stock with this everything is clear We want to add...
Error? Two identical menu items in the "Universal Import Products (xml/json)" automation
Hello. In automation "Universal import of products (xml/json)" there are two identical items: "Search by external id and update all found product...
4 answer
12.03.2023, 23:09
Copying supplier field values to add. product fields
Here https://fr-auto.1box.link/app/automatization-products/update/edit/ It is necessary to refine the action "Copy the supplier field into the addi...
3 answer
03.03.2023, 14:18
Is it possible to calculate the difference in product dates, that is, the current date (calculation date) and the date in the additional field
The purpose of the task is to take an additional field of the product (in which some date is written) and then calculate how many days have passed ...
3 answer
14.02.2023, 14:39
Action refinement: Format product URL according to template
Guys, please calculate the cost of refining the action "Format product URL according to the template" in "Automation for products", namely: so that...
5 replies
14.02.2023, 11:30
universal product import XML field description ( description ) pulls into the product card incorrectly
Universal product import XML field description ( description ) pulls into the product card incorrectly, namely, it imports not as text, but as code...
1 answer
22.12.2022, 12:48
Variable for standard field
Product example http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/product/1818/edit/ It has fields: height, width, length, short description. The fields are of the sam...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
04.11.2022, 10:07
Not activated: Copy product fields and filters when conditions are met
HERE: crm.smartid.com.ua/app/automatization-products/update/edit/ Known for: Copy product fields and filters when conditions are met. Ale deiyu doe...
7 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
03.11.2022, 11:40
Unavailable once-a-day action: Start product automation actions
In this task, such an action was developed https://1b.app/ru/forum/managing-the-base-of-goods-and-services/14528-otsenit-de...
1 answer
Personal license
25.10.2022, 16:27
Changing the price of product analogues in accordance with the price of the main product
Good day. We need to configure the following: When changing the price in the main product, the price should be copied to all analogues of this prod...