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List of related questions and answers «OneBox API Services»

2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
09.05.2022, 21:31
OS APIv2 does not get page for /api/v2/productlist/get
Good day, In APIv2, it is not possible to pass page for /api/v2/productlist/get. If we didn’t transfer the values, we’ll always take one entry with...
"What is the correct way to transfer the filter array and its value to the request, can you give an example?"
"What is the correct way to transfer the filter array and its value to the request, can you give an example?" https://1b.app/ru/api/product/
4 answer
03.05.2022, 11:31
How to get a contact via API by phone number but from a specific group
Good afternoon The API documentation has a method with which you can get a contact by phone number, it looks something like this: http://myboxurl/a...
4 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
22.04.2022, 14:51
Withdrawal of payments via api OS
Good afternoon, we started working on api OS and winkli nutrition on the withdrawal of payments. https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/api/v2/payment/get/ cl...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
21.04.2022, 17:17
Editing the list via api OS
Good afternoon, please tell me how to take the list of prayers within the limit of one request. What should be passed in the chi parameters in the ...
7 replies
19.04.2022, 18:45
Access for one user
Congratulations! During the war, our business does not work, so we temporarily did not want to continue the cloud tariff for 3 people And I was off...
Orders do not come from Rozetka
I don’t receive orders in Van Box, perhaps due to the fact that there is some problem with the link (screen) API url https://api-seller.rozetka.com...
2 answer
boxing stopped making exchanges with orders from online stores
Good afternoon Boxing has stopped making exchanges with online store orders (there are orders in opencart, in i-no store, but these orders are no l...
2 answer
01.04.2022, 17:20
Getting Custom field Legal entities
Good afternoon, when using /api/orders/get/ I can get all the information on the process, including contractorid and contractorname. How can I get ...
2 answer
31.03.2022, 01:17
UTM tags are not sent to the box
What can I be doing wrong? Made the action "Automatically detect task source based on utm" in the BP step https://newtrend.team/admin/sho...