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My request:
{"status":0,"errorArray":["The first element of the process array is missing"]}
that's not what I'm doing. Thank you very much
Original question is available on version: ua


[{"name":"TEST4979","workflowid":2,"statusid":2,"productinfo":{"id":13,"findbyArray":["externalid"],"showerrorafterfind":true}} ]
04.10.2022, 12:32
Original comment available on version: ua

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workflowid, statusid are mandatory fields. How can I find out what id puts? How can I get a list of all workflowids, statusids? Thank you!
04.10.2022, 13:37
Original comment available on version: ua

when you go to edit the status, for example /admin/shop/workflowstatus/67/action/new/ then 67 is the id.
/app/workflow/3/constructor/ here 3 is workflowid
04.10.2022, 14:13
Original comment available on version: ua

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