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List of related questions and answers «OneBox API Services»

2 answer
13.06.2023, 16:31
API as user
Good day! The situation with RestAPI is not clear It acts as a worker and eats one session (user) Therefore, the employee cannot connect through...
How to find out your URL
This is the page https://avr-service2.1b.app APIv2 at https://avr-service.crm-onebox.com is not working
2 answer
09.06.2023, 12:36
API server not available
Missing REST API response from https://mybox.crm-onebox.com which is listed as the API server in the documentation. It doesn't even ping and is not...
7 replies
31.05.2023, 15:42
API password
Good day, how can I get a hash password to set up integration with another service? https://ant-logistics.1b.app/
6 replies
30.05.2023, 15:55
Improvements from MVP to OS in API 1c were not transferred
Good day! They did not postpone the development of the MVP, namely: In API settings for 1C https://etg.crm-onebox.com/app/settings/app-api/?int...
1 answer
Personal license
10.05.2023, 16:41
Evaluate ARI synchronization
Please evaluate the synchronization of products by API with https://elbuz.com/en (documentation https://elbuz.com/en/docs-jumper-api#toc_link_2 ) Y...
2 answer
25.04.2023, 17:15
Evaluate the product/get method in the API, add the Divisibility field
Good day Please evaluate the product/get method in the API and add the Divisibility field thank you
Deals are not created in SRM
We created an integration, in the api application (....app/app-api/) In the logs I see an api request, but deals are not created In the api I see s...
Using the API with the CRM application to create processes (leads)
Does the system have the ability to interact with the CRM application through an API, so that it is possible to create leads by analogy with creati...
API development
Please rate the update: We need to add the "discount_percent" field to the products array productArray So that it would be possible to transfer th...