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List of related questions and answers «OneBox API Services»

9 replies
30.09.2021, 14:14
Operation with type "Sale" in API
Hello! In /api/storage-translocation/ is it possible to add type="sale" ?
1 answer
23.09.2021, 12:48
Passing filters and categories
API v2 https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/Bodya44/OneBoxOSapiv2/2.0 We need methods for passing and updating: 1. Product categories 2.Product fil...
2 answer
22.09.2021, 13:36
Pass Filters API
API v.1 There are filters that the client will create on the site. It is necessary to transfer them to the CPM and synchronize by external ID I did...
4 answer
22.09.2021, 12:35
Transfer of warehouse operations. API
/api/storage-translocation/edit/ Good day Can you give me the date and hour of the operation? What about the transaction currency?
1 answer
22.09.2021, 11:26
api v2 questions
API 2.0 https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/Bodya44/OneBoxOSapiv2/2.0#/category/ 1. Categories. How to transfer the category structure to CPM and ...
1 answer
17.09.2021, 21:03
Formation of a catalog of goods in a file from the source site
Who can order a service for creating product catalog files in XLSX, YML for uploading to your website with setting up updates via the API?
method /api/1c8x/order-get/ does not return order details with orderid parameter
I make a request: https://.../api/1c8x/order-get/?login=my_login&password=my_password I get a list of all orders, but it does not contain data ...
Using a license when syncing via API
We are trying to synchronize the site with Onebox OS via the API. It turned out that synchronization is tied to our license sessions. Sometimes, in...
6 replies
13.09.2021, 12:22
Consultation on generating a restapi password via API
There is a method /api/contact-login/json/ It transmits the username and hash password of the user for login in the personal account So you need to...
4 answer
10.09.2021, 16:07
Through an API request, can I create a new warehouse?
Can I send a request from another system to ONEBOX to create a new warehouse + with the required fields filled in