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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

6 replies
28.05.2024, tuesday, 12:40
License as a donation
Good day, friends from III OSHB want to install SRM One Box for inventory accounting. Is it possible to allocate one license to them?
5 replies
part of the product names has disappeared
It is not the first time that part of the product names has disappeared, nothing has changed in the automations, please let me know what is the mat...
Formation of the document in the order
Good day! There is such a problem order example https://ukroptmarket.1box.link/27104/ a permanent discount of 1% is written on the client's card, t...
5 replies
27.05.2024, monday, 11:30
Bug of the report "Balance change in warehouses"
Congratulations. We found a bug: if you use filtering for the "Change in inventory balance" report, then empty pages are also loaded, and when we t...
2 answer
How to copy a file to an additional field
I have a file in the attached files and I need to copy it to an additional field. As I understand it, for this there is an action “Find a file from...
2 answer
Document templates
Good day! Tell me how to correctly write the variables in the document template so that the formation of the order of goods in the document is like...
2 answer
24.05.2024, 15:27
Error notification color when adding a product by barcode is unsuccessful
Please change the color of the notification when adding an item using a barcode is unsuccessful in the Re-listing section to red. Ideally, add erro...
7 replies
24.05.2024, 14:59
Needs improvement: Filter in Product Linking
You need a filter Related/Unrelated Products in the Linking Products section
3 answer
24.05.2024, 14:58
permission settings for IP addresses from which the user is allowed to make API v2 requests
Good afternoon, please tell me a question about OneBox OS API v2 (I can't find it in the description). 1. Where is the permission setting for IP ad...
8 replies
24.05.2024, 14:51
The action "Create an order for a supplier" needs improvement.
Good afternoon, we need some improvement in the “Create an order for a supplier” action when the “Create or check a business process for a supplier...