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11 replies
13.11.2021, 14:51
The problem with fiscalization of a return check
We did a revision on the fiscalization of a return check. The amount of the process must be transferred, regardless of payments. Gives an error mes...
2015867602 - Added the ability to transfer the TTN number to OpenCart
For the "Send process to OpenCart" action, the field "Specify the field of the oc_order table to which to transfer the TTN number&qu...
8 replies
15.10.2021, 19:31
OS: Refinement by action
Previously, I ordered and paid for the creation of the "Create payment link in WAYFORPAY" action, but found that it was missing a few det...
1 answer
02.09.2021, 17:59
Uploading categories to prom from PromUA additional fields / Export products in XLS format
Good afternoon. Tell me, is it possible to transfer category identifiers from additional fields of the product card to the prom? If we add to the ...
3 answer
24.08.2021, 09:22
Set up API integration with the YCLIENTS service
Colleagues, good afternoon! Please evaluate the improvement with the YCLIENTS service. It is necessary to collect data from the service about the c...
7 replies
23.08.2021, 16:52
Stopped closing the call through the call creation API
Stopped closing the call through the call creation API Here is an example. It can be seen that the call status is OUTGOING But in the logs we see ...
7 replies
16.08.2021, 12:41
Error while sending request to Checkbox
There was a question https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/cashier_and_software_ppo/10076-oshibka-pri-otp... Clarified with the Checkbox, it i...
2015836536 - Improved the functionality of the action "Export goods to Horoshop"
In the "Export products to Goodhop" action, there is a setting "Do not send product information to Goodhop if the product card has n...
6 replies
22.07.2021, 15:24
Content management and submission to OpenCart
box http://crm.osd.ua/admin/ 1. You need to synchronize http://crm.osd.ua/admin/shop/integrations/opencart-2/control/ with the opencart test enviro...
13 replies
14.07.2021, 17:16
How to configure that the price in dollars is transferred to opencart?
How to configure that the price in dollars is transferred to opencart?

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