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2015743329 - Added a setting to the "Copy process product fields" action
For the BP action "Copy fields of process products", the setting "If the value is copied from an additional field with the "Fil...
2015684546 - Added a setting to the "Copy process product fields" action
For the "Copy fields of process products" action, the setting "If the value is copied from an additional field of the "Contact ...
3 answer
09.11.2020, 10:54
Copying a fractional value of the number of balances in warehouses
Hello. When copying the [orderproduct_storagecount] variable using the "Calculate and write value to additional field if conditions are met&qu...
2 answer
04.11.2020, 16:25
save the value of the Contact ID field in the text field
the client needs the additional field Contact ID https://prnt.sc/vdckon copy the value of the date from the view not to the ID of the contact, but ...

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