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2015966182 - Added setting to Import Data from ERC Provider action
Added "Use this currency code instead of USD" setting for the "Import data from ERC supplier" action - allows you to set your p...
2015965106 - Added a setting to the action "Calculate and record information about places of departure to the Product parameters block for Novaya Poshta"
The setting "Use the longest side as length (instead of width) when determining dimensions" has been added to the action "Calculate ...
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
23.01.2023, 20:25
Where does the hasWarranty variable come from?
There are several variables related to the product warranty in the document templates: product warranty row: product_warranty the time of the end o...
2015957656 - Added setting to "LiqPay two-step payment/Change funds blocking status" action
"Always use the payment amount from the additional field" setting has been added to the "LiqPay two-step payment/Change funds blocki...
3 answer
Delivery to Rozetka delivery points - Calculate the finalization
A new type of delivery has appeared in the marketplace: Delivery to Rozetka delivery points Please calculate the finalization of the integration ac...
1 answer
Personal license
21.11.2022, 10:37
Rate the completion of the action Create a message in the message center
Need to be able to use variables from the Variables Guide for Letters and Processes in the "Create Message in Message Center" action. (no...
2015945539 - Added settings to the report "Table of final sums of payments and the number of processes in the specified statuses"
For the report "Table of total sums of payments and the number of processes in the specified statuses" the setting "Use one line not...
6 replies
03.10.2022, 15:33
Menu settings bug. The following settings work incorrectly: "Change of the folded side", "Copy of the folded side"
Menu setting bug in the Personal Account. The following settings work incorrectly: "Change of the folded side", "Copy of the folded ...
9 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
14.09.2022, 12:19
Display the customer's preferred delivery and payment methods on the customer's card
There is a task to record in the Client's card the methods of delivery and payment that the Client has chosen and which he prefers. This is nec...
2 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
04.09.2022, 01:20
Images for products
You can download either jpg or png in the OS. Can I use both formats? When images are uploaded to the old Box (a Box based site) will they still be...

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