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OneBox user forum

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2 answer
21.12.2020, 17:16
Export of stock balances to Google spreadsheets
checkbox https://crm-onebox.com/ua/support/changelog-2020-onebox-mvp/3765-2015663648---do...
2015709657 - Added settings to "Integrate XML Products" action
Added settings for the "Integrate XML Products (Export)" action: - Select product fields. The product will be unloaded only if one of the...
6 replies
21.12.2020, 16:40
ttn rotation
The status of a new turn is not muted. Automatic diya cost: TTN of authority є: https://zhiraf.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/7373/edit/
3 answer
21.12.2020, 16:08
integration with new mail stopped working
When manually creating a new mail TTN https://admin.uatech.pro/admin/customorder/order/1037931/invoice/ stopped pulling up the sender's number,...
1 answer
21.12.2020, 15:54
Evaluate integration with lamoda
the client needs a new integration with lamoda according to the logic of yak Prom: +export of goods by one crown +Import request with data about th...
2 answer
21.12.2020, 15:09
hang on singing stages
some processes freeze at the first stages during the onslaught to move on to the next system freezes... http://box.branaldi-sv.com.ua/admin/customo...
2 answer
21.12.2020, 14:54
The price of goods that are not in stock is not recalculated.
Good afternoon. Please help. Goods which are not available can not be recalculated price http://box.agro-him.com.ua/admin/shop/products/4679/edit/ ...
1 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
21.12.2020, 14:30
Why in the logs on the socket / rozetka does not show what the TTN is transmitting (action Onoviti the status of the application in the Rozetka Seller API / rozetka_order_status_action_change_status )
Here is the log https://baza.cn.ua/admin/logs/showall/ajax/?file=rozetka-2020-12-21.log For this order 601712486 Launched the action "Update a...
2 answer
21.12.2020, 14:02
I can't enter the office
Good afternoon, I can not enter the office, the site is working. Text - Page unavailable The site avtocar.com.ua cannot process this request yet. H...
1 answer
21.12.2020, 13:50
Horoshop - transfer of residues
Now there is a setting https://vzuto.crm-onebox.com/admin/auto/action/hour/edit/ BUT it transfers all products, even those that have not been upda...