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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

6 replies
08.06.2021, 13:01
Not working filtering in "History of reporting"
It is necessary to add all the comments made by the interviewer for the singing period. In the menu "Review history" https://monosnap.com...
1 answer
08.06.2021, 12:58
open cart Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via database)
Client box https://igrushka.crm-onebox.com/admin/auto/action/hour/edit/# There is an action Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics in o...
2 answer
08.06.2021, 11:42
Please upgrade us to MVP version
Please upgrade our OneBox http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/dashboard/ to MVP version Thank you!
10 replies
Администратор проектов
08.06.2021, 11:03
What server will be needed for the boxed version of the OS?
Good afternoon! Many existing customers are wondering what the server requirements will be in order for them to successfully upgrade their MVP boxe...
19 replies
08.06.2021, 01:30
Multilingual integration with OpenCart
Good afternoon there is a problem with the integration of box-opencart with product filters in different languages, when adding values of the same ...
2015807616 - Added a setting to the action "Set the business process for the purchase of products per employee"
Added the setting "If there is no active supplier in the product, add the product to the purchase on the first one that is in the product and ...
2015807403 - Added new action "Automatically create a process on hung processes"
Added automatic action once a day "Automatically create a process on hung processes". The action checks according to the BP data and if t...
4 answer
07.06.2021, 20:00
the client has not paid the server, you need to download the box again
the client bought 1 box license https://shnurki.crm-onebox.com/ from the email amelnik@ukr.net (cannot restore access to the forum from this email,...
1 answer
07.06.2021, 14:55
Check mark item in stock in item
Product example https://optmaster.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/35183/edit/ It has a checkbox Recalculate availability with suppliers and ware...
1 answer
07.06.2021, 14:50
Menu item
http://crm.mebelok.com/ By adding an item to the menu The screenshot showed You need to add such an opportunity, create a menu item with filtering...