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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

2015808759 - Added settings to "Add products from one process to another" action
Improved for the business process action: 1. in the setting "From and where to transfer products" there is an option to select "From...
2015810713 - Improved cs-cart integration functionality
For integration with cs-cart, the possibility has been improved: - import process discounts; - updating products in OneBox.
2015810710 - Added setting to "Integrate XML Products (Export)" action
A setting has been added for the "Integrate XML Products (Export)" action. When passing the "Availability in stock (Yes/No)" fi...
2015807654 - Refinement of product sorting
Improved the ability to sort goods by their availability in warehouses.
2015809692 - The functionality of the way to display processes by the calendar has been improved
In the "Interface in calendar" settings for the "Show in calendar" field, the ability to select "Owner" and "Aut...
2015809715 - Added a setting to the universal process block
For the "Universal block" process interface block, the "Hide block for specified roles" setting has been added.
How can I reduce the size of the Box on the server?
In connection with the desire to move to rent ... The number of positions is 2770, each has an average of 2-4 photos, the size of the box is 51GB, ...
5 replies
14.06.2021, 19:23
In the filter block, the addendum field "list of contacts" shows all contacts, and maybe only a few contacts
In the additional process of the type "advisor of contacts", only a few spivrobitniks can be indicated (screen 1) https://take.ms/cKV8K ,...
1 answer
Pictures don't load
Hello, pictures are not being uploaded to our site from the Brain supplier. For example 978577 and 988323.
1 answer
14.06.2021, 17:18
Included in the unloading quantity
Tear off the product, tab Included in https://mariemur.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/29339/materials/ Here we do export to xls, but nowhere do...