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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

2 answer
17.06.2021, 12:06
Integration with EBANQ
Colleagues, please rate the api integration with the banking service. It is necessary to receive data about the client (name, contact details), dat...
3 answer
17.06.2021, 12:05
OS - Comment Feed
There are a couple of suggestions for optimizing the comment feed interface: 1. Combine text input with function buttons into one visual block. 2....
Inconsistency of the warehouse journal with warehouse operations - how to understand what is the problem? please give me answer and solution
I have a problem, I cannot review the operations for a specific warehouse separately and calculate the error. either I did not figure out how to do...
1 answer
17.06.2021, 11:21
OS - file browsing
Will the new version implement convenient viewing of files ANYWHERE in the system? Or will work with files remain the same as in MVP?
4 answer
17.06.2021, 10:37
Not all letters arrive in Boxing
I received two emails from a client: And only one came to boxing: Why is this happening? how can this be fixed?
Rate the Improvement - Display Quick Launch Buttons in the Product Card Menu
Very often I go to the product warehouses, and although it is not difficult, I want to go in 1 click using the button located in this place. in BPs...
3 answer
17.06.2021, 09:03
Recognition of contacts in events
Good morning, help me deal with telephony in crm: 1. there are calls via binotel (integration is configured) 2. created a contact today using thi...
2015809087 - Added auto action to work with leftovers
Added a new automatic action once per hour "Create a process based on the remaining product in stock".
Does not translate the order into a business process
https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/222224/edit/ According to the UE, it does not transfer the order to Sold by Drop Ukr Pocht...
3 answer
16.06.2021, 18:49
call from crm not working
one of our managers lost the ability to call from crm. Those. now we can call the client from the contact card, all its events are collected, the a...