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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

2 answer
Metro - product update, is it possible?
Metro has API https://stores-api.zakaz.ua/docs/ How much will it cost to finalize the action once an hour / day - so that the system checks the goo...
32 answer
05.08.2021, 10:07
Question about the action "Submit data to Google Analytics"
Good afternoon! At a certain stage, there is an action "Send data to Google Analytics", the data is transferred to the analytics, but not...
12 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
05.08.2021, 09:53
Move products from the supplier's process to another supplier's process while keeping the link to the customer's order
Good afternoon, From the client's order, when there are not enough goods in the warehouse, the "Create supplier process" action creat...
69 replies
05.08.2021, 09:22
Reserved item is not written off from the warehouse - it gives an error Negative balance
Good morning. Problem with writing off an item, in the order https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/customorder/zakaz-klienta/1394850/edit/, item https://crm....
7 replies
05.08.2021, 09:11
Missing field information
Hello! Missing information from the text field (html). These actions lead to the removal of information from the field: https://www.youtube.com/wat...
2015833832 - Improved action "Download TTN"
Added a new action "Download TTN", which allows you to download UkrPoshta's TTN
2015834151 - Improved the functionality of the action "Creating a sales receipt, its fiscalization and delivery to the client by email"
The following settings have been added for the action "Creating a sales receipt, fiscalizing it and delivering it to the client by email"...
2015834871 - The functionality of the action "Set the business process for the purchase of products for an employee" has been improved
Added the setting "Run on the specified days of the week" for the "Install a business process for the purchase of products per emplo...
2015833819 - Improved the functionality of the action "Send a request via api"
For the "Send a request via api" action, the setting has been improved, which allows adding an id to the name.
8 replies
Goiter with a post-employee
Please help me to sort out the goiters with the post-employees and let me know that you are my accountant. for the butt, we have a process for whi...