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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

4 answer
24.09.2021, 17:26
The status is transmitted only to the SOCKET, it is not transmitted from the socket to the ONEBOX ??
There is an action "Update order status in Rozetka Seller API" it only changes the status in the outlet (if you change the status in oneb...
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
24.09.2021, 17:13
Getting order fields from Bitrix
Now in the action setting it is possible to specify properties and write to some fields of the process It is necessary to make it possible to spec...
3 answer
24.09.2021, 16:42
How to send a message to the chatbot as an action so that everyone can see it?
It is necessary that at the stage, a message is sent to the chat bot, so that everyone who is subscribed to the chat bot can see the desired messag...
Working with IM. Canonical. Duplicate pages.
Boxing https://luxshina.ua/ There was such an appeal earlier, please read https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/online-stores/10194-rabota-s-im-ispravi...
4 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
24.09.2021, 14:11
Error 403 when trying to call from Box
Hello! Box https://technosite.crm-onebox.com/ when trying to call from Box to phone the client gives a 403 error. When checking the token, it gives...
2 answer
24.09.2021, 14:09
Bug. When creating a chat with a minute action from the messenger, adds everyone who has ever been in the role to the chat participants
When creating a chat with a minute action from the messenger, it adds to the chat participants everyone who has ever been in the role, at the momen...
5 replies
24.09.2021, 14:02
The problem with finalizing the filtering of clients by the presence / absence of a BP from the Holding
Previously, we did a revision on the task https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/contacts/9815-otsenit-filtratsiyu-klientov-na-...
3 answer
24.09.2021, 13:21
Action Add products from one process to another, setting only selected items, pulls not only selected ones
Good afternoon!​ In the procedure https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/shop/workflow/35/procedure/656/?status=0, the action Add products from one process to...
5 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
24.09.2021, 12:56
Add a new forum section "OneBox OS Changelog"
I noticed that improvements on OneBox OS are published in the MVP section, here is an example -spiskom/ Moreover, this is not even indicated in the...
22 answer
24.09.2021, 12:19
the refinement on the import of orders with the delivery method Ukrposhta has not been fully finalized
the refinement on the import of orders with the delivery method Ukrposhta was not fully finalized here importe-zakaza/ but we didn’t finish drinkin...