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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

2 answer
02.11.2021, 18:07
evaluate integration with intelco telephony
є lead, in which telephony https://intelco.org/uk/ choose CPM, marvel at AMO, because there is integration. on the site https://intelco.org/uk/ats/...
3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
02.11.2021, 17:14
Palette in action "Show Interactive Window"
The palette is not displayed completely and there is no way to set the desired color https://crm-77.com/admin/shop/workflow/12/procedure/33/?status=2
5 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
02.11.2021, 15:09
fix the row:product_currency variable
in the documents in the variable "product currency row:product_currency" instead of the currency of the product of the process or the cur...
5 replies
02.11.2021, 14:37
I can't create a box https://prnt.sc/1y5xti6 - I see a pardon
so the client itself cannot create a box with the name dimpol create, be kind, and give access to poldim5@gmail.com
1 answer
how to get short form link ?
There is a checkbox in the form settings and you can somehow get this link in some extra. field ? If you use just setting then it is long and obv...
3 answer
02.11.2021, 13:40
data rate
Tell me, will reminders be considered in essence? Or just contacts, payments, pending payments, warehouse transactions, documents, budget transacti...
7 replies
02.11.2021, 13:40
Not spratsovuє dіya "Sell vmіst goods zі warehouse"
Good day! Mabut, please change the rest of boxing. Previously, I spratsovuval dіya "Sell to the goods from the warehouse" for the warehou...
1 answer
02.11.2021, 13:35
The starting balance of the wallet is not taken into account in the Balance at the beginning of the period
Good afternoon The final balance for the period on the finance page does not take into account the starting balance specified in the wallet itself ...
2 answer
Authorization attempt limit exceeded
Vykinulo all of the oblіkovogo record! Help to go to OneBox. There is no change.
4 answer
02.11.2021, 13:01
Error when creating TTN
https://josera.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/5870/invoice/ In the New Mail TTN process tab, I set the parameters for each place of departu...