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OneBox user forum

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Good morning. Today there is no access to the system. Attachment error. https://sobr.crm-onebox.com/
11 replies
18.03.2022, 20:52
"Show totals for date" does not work correctly.
The amount and quantity of goods in stock on a certain date are displayed incorrectly. The earlier date you choose, the smaller the balance and the...
4 answer
18.03.2022, 17:50
Data not reflected in mutual settlements and reports
I made a "delivery" of goods to the warehouse, which should have automatically created a debt to the supplier. I also created the payment...
1 answer
18.03.2022, 16:05
no data for the past period
why data is not collected through the report for the past period https://atools.crm-onebox.com/app/report/designer/1/view/ only given today
1 answer
18.03.2022, 14:12
From the remains of several goods to produce a new product
Hello! How to "produce" a new product from several goods - is there such a tool like "production"? For example: I have goods on...
1 answer
18.03.2022, 10:22
they removed the box, although the balance is enough
Hello! the customer's box https://brewelit.1b.app/ has been deleted, although the balance is sufficient to pay the tariff. fix please
4 answer
17.03.2022, 21:20
OS - Enhancement - Comment Feed (Email)
Please don't close or ignore this thread. We really want boxing to be more convenient and beautiful, so we hope for some improvements and posit...
1 answer
17.03.2022, 20:19
OS - Question - Types of comments
In the comment feed, there is no way to display only messages from Viber or Telegram, for example. Will this feature be added or not?
9 replies
17.03.2022, 18:32
Can't access Onebox
Vіtayu, for 3 years I can not access my Onebox. Passwords and logins were not changed and entered correctly Screen 1 - when entering login and pass...
1 answer
17.03.2022, 18:12
OS - Bug - Search for processes
The search bar at the top of the list somehow works strangely, it does a selective search. Is this a bug? Or is it intended that way, if so, what i...