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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

2015903584 - Updated "Export products in YML format"
For the "Export products in YML format" option, "Vivantage in_stock="true" was added, and the additional field was also se...
2015903890 - Added functionality for "Record the quantity of the product, as you can enter in the additional field for the product"
For the task "Write down the amount of the product, how you can enter it in the additional field for the product", the possibility was ad...
2015904208 - Updated in the "Import application from Magento" section
For the section "Importing the application from Magento", the option "Way to the new address of the process (rozdіlyuvach /, because...
2015904062 - Updated in the "Vivantage products/categories/filters/features in OpenCart (via database)" section
For the "Vivantage of products/categories/filters/characteristics in OpenCart (via database)" section, the "Do not update informatio...
2015904056 - Added field "Product Manager"
Added change row:product_managerid and row:product_managerName , so that it is allowed to work with the Product Manager field in the universal bloc...
5 replies
02.07.2022, 17:01
/api/v2/contact/get/ SQL Error
I edit the request using the /api/v2/contact/get/ method request body: { "filter": { "phones": [ "0504131703" ] } } I...
10 replies
02.07.2022, 16:00
Question - Communication channel call=email?
https://ergo.crm-onebox.com/app/event/51688/ An event is fired that is a call, but the channel is recorded as email? Is it due to wrong settings or...
2 answer
02.07.2022, 15:42
managerid, externalid игнорируются при создании контакта
данные передаются, ошибок нет, видно по логам (от апи v1, пользуемся v2), но вот внутри контакта уже пусто. нет разницы, отправлять его в int или ж...
Automatic actions didn't work
we have actions 1 time per day, adds products that appeared in the warehouse (checks that there were 0 of them in the warehouse before and then the...
6 replies
01.07.2022, 23:12
Official: end of support for OneBox MVP and earlier versions
Dear Clients! We are officially announcing that starting January 1, 2023, OneBox MVP and older versions are no longer supported. What does this mea...