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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

3 answer
16.07.2020, 09:43
Add the ability to admin comment actions
Add the ability to write a comment to an action on the screen for adding actions to a stage. For example, in the stage of 30 actions, the administr...
2015554764 - Improvement of the process block “Add products to cart from XLS file”
For the interface block of the personal account “Add products to cart from XLS-file”, the ability to set: - column number for the article, if it is...
2015559303 - Improvement of the action “PromUA/Import Products”
For automatic action once a day “PromUA/Import products”, the setting “Search category only by name and do not create a new one if the category is ...
2015559710 - Improvement of the action “Add products from one process to another”
For the BP action “Add products from one process”, a drop-down list item was added From and where to transfer products: “From process to process sp...
2015561652 - Improvement of the action "Send a request via api"
For the contact automation action "Send request via api" improved so that the action accepts 0 as part of the path when processing the re...
2015560025 - Improvement of the action “Import processes with Goodop”
For the automatic action once a minute “Import processes from Goodop”, the setting “Additional field for recording the value of the order option &q...
2015560451 - Refinement of access rights to editing the starting balance of wallets
Improved setting of access rights “Finance :: Allow editing the starting balance of wallets (accounts)”
2 answer
13.07.2020, 23:33
Update Nova Poshta statuses
Please update the status of Nova Poshta. One status missing https://i.imgur.com/MwD2Kt2.jpg
3 answer
13.07.2020, 20:47
Getting statuses from Rozetka
Hello! I ask you to make "minute automation" for "stages" for Rozetka, namely: for changing statuses on the side of Rozetka. Ve...
2015555335 - Improved action "Check date in process and notify"
For the automatic action once a day “Check date in process and notify”, the settings have been improved that allow you to set conditions for the va...