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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

Not transferred by legal entity. persons. when loading an order from a box v1s
Not transferred by legal entity. persons. when loading an order from a box in 1s by apі. Programmer for nalashtovuє іntegratsіyu z box in 1s
2015616746 - Completion of the automatic action “Calculation of priorities by sources for contacts according to order conversion”
For the automatic action once a day “Calculation of priorities by sources for contacts according to order conversion”, the setting “Include process...
6 replies
31.08.2020, 14:55
Export Products to XML process does not start
Good afternoon. Export products in XML format does not start automatically Although it is configured to update once an hour. With a forced refresh ...
2015613070 - BP action “Send universal message Viber/SMS Turbosms”
The action of the business process “Send a universal message Viber/SMS Turbosms” has been improved, which is triggered when you go to the stage and...
2015613070 - BP action “Send universal message Viber/SMS Turbosms”
The action of the business process “Send a universal message Viber/SMS Turbosms” has been improved, which is triggered when you go to the stage and...
2015614211 - Refinement of access rights to accounts (wallets)
In editing access rights to accounts (wallets), the “All accounts” setting has been improved, which allows you to enable access to all wallets for ...
11 replies
31.08.2020, 12:39
Sorting columns Reference information
Is it possible to customize the display order of the lookup columns? (Interface - Information from the directory)
3 answer
31.08.2020, 12:21
Investment Auction in Support
Because The investment auction is no longer valid + you write: IMPROVEMENTS THROUGH FREE SUPPORT ... In some cases, we can make simple improvements...
1 answer
31.08.2020, 11:53
Supplier's price list not opening
Downloading the previously downloaded supplier price http://joxi.ru/V2V64V6CkxD6E2 Error opening http://joxi.ru/EA4dW5dipwyVVA
9 replies
31.08.2020, 10:24
Two-factor authentication drove 1Box
Having entered the two-factor authorization - after entering the login and password, you get 500 pardon, there are no fields for entering the code,...