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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

7 replies
02.09.2020, 14:23
Buying goods at cost
Is it possible to write off at the purchase price? Let's say if your own employee takes the fabric? To ignore markup
3 answer
02.09.2020, 14:21
I can't recover my login password
Yesterday I accidentally left the office. When I enter a password, it says wrong password. When recovering a password, the letters come empty. Afte...
5 replies
02.09.2020, 13:01
viber token
When introducing a token received from a vibra according to the following instructions - https://crm-onebox.com/ru/vnutrennyaya-kukhnya/2018/12/18/...
5 replies
02.09.2020, 12:59
Warehouse work in a coffee shop
The client has a coffee shop. They need to keep records of products sold, namely: When a client comes and orders a drink, it should already be adde...
4 answer
02.09.2020, 12:38
Empty emails when resetting a password
When recovering passwords, empty letters come to the mail. How can this be fixed? http://joxi.ru/YmElneGiJ8DvBr
2015610939 - Improvement of the action “Parse events and audio recordings from Ringostat”
For the automatic action once a minute “Parse events and audio recordings from Ringostat”, the setting “First search for the login / phone number w...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
02.09.2020, 11:58
Problems with translators
This is how it is in the system http://prntscr.com/ua4l5n and problems with translators became very, very many in different parts of the system. Pl...
3 answer
02.09.2020, 11:34
Can't find the setting described in Changelog 35
In the changelog, they talked about setting "Contact name when automatically creating a contact when creating a process from an unknown call w...
10 replies
02.09.2020, 11:27
Error while working with variable [clientobligationTotal] - client obligations
In actions related to copying or writing variable values from the `Directory of Variables`, the value of the variable `[clientobligationTotal] - Cl...
3 answer
02.09.2020, 11:25
It is not possible to renew the password from the personal account on our website
The client is unable to renew the password from the personal account on our site. Recovery emails are empty. https://prnt.sc/ua3yaw Email/login: at...