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Automatic adding of unnecessary tag to request suport

When communicating on this forum, in the "Leave your comment" block, an unnecessary tag is constantly automatically pulled up, you have to constantly delete it https://prnt.sc/ugzqq6
Original question is available on version: ru


Hello. This is your email/login. They are always added to tags, this is done on purpose.
14.09.2020, 14:32
Original comment available on version: ru

Bodyako Dmitry Employee wrote:
Hello. This is your email/login. They are always added to tags, this is done on purpose.

Understood. I just could not understand why the mail is broken into pieces when saving https://prnt.sc/uh0c4o
14.09.2020, 15:01
Original comment available on version: ru

on a point probably breaks
14.09.2020, 15:11
Original comment available on version: ru

Bodyako Dmitry Employee wrote:
on a point probably breaks

Maybe. It's just not very comfortable in the search, + unnecessary pages multiply
16.09.2020, 16:09
Original comment available on version: ru

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