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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

8 replies
05.11.2020, 18:01
Why does it take the purchase price from the product card in processes, and not from acceptance - posting?
We made posting at the purchase price of 5 UAH and in the processes writes the purchase price from the product card https://prnt.sc/ve4t8v What is ...
12 replies
05.11.2020, 18:01
Integration with Esputnik
Good afternoon, we have done integration with the companion, we are trying to send letters, but nothing comes out, there is no letter even in outgo...
6 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
05.11.2020, 17:55
Missing the ability to upload images from the product card
Good afternoon, the ability to upload the main and additional images through the product card interface has disappeared. Product: https://owwa.crm-...
Yak vibrati main mail
Yak vibrati main mail Є kіlka settings almost https://rovo.org.ua/admin/shop/integrations/imap-new/control/ https://prnt.sc/ve3z2u
3 answer
Estimate completion (payments)
How much will it cost to finalize to the table of payments it was possible to edit directly in the table and not fall into the payment itself
2015663639 - Improved display of values in the column "Expected number of products"
In the "Products by table" block of the process interface, the "Expected number of products" field was previously added. In the...
2 answer
Boxing update
The forum is buggy. I left the last message already logged in under the company! (with box binding) and the message without binding is displayed. I...
5 replies
05.11.2020, 15:13
Negative balance in stock
There is an order, when you try to sell it, the "sent" button https://vzuto.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/droperi/150029/edit/ These k...
6 replies
Email stopped coming
Hello. BPs are no longer created from emails (letters do not reach). Initially, automatic actions were configured once a minute, letters should be ...
1 answer
05.11.2020, 14:26
Error creating ttn Justin
When creating ttn on the Justin tab - error https://prnt.sc/vdzo5t (can be checked on order 2221) Shipment status is not displayed https://prnt.sc/...