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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

Make template 23 responsive in orange shop
It is necessary to make the 23 site template adaptive when orahge shop is connected
2 answer
Ability to make delivery methods hidden
All prescribed delivery methods are available to users for selection, this is not convenient. It is necessary to be able to hide delivery methods, ...
File Display Setting
You need a checkmark in the contact card settings "do not display files that are added by the contact in his card" - if the checkbox in t...
Refinement of loading product filters
Improvement is needed, which would allow loading product filters as fields in the product import, and not through the add. settings So that filters...
Finish integration with Ukrposhta
1) For the action of integration with Ukr mail, modify the return delivery setting http://joxi.ru/4Ak7wJbHoDgVyA as in NP For the action "Crea...
Bulk delete documents
In the documents section, you can select all of them, but there is no bulk changes window. It would be convenient if it were possible to delete sel...
Improve multilanguage for filters
It is necessary to expand the functionality of multilingualism for filters of all types An example of how it should be: in the multilingual box = U...
Knowledge management training
Functionality of training in boxing. At the moment, boxing has a handy knowledge base tool. Where in each article you can specify which role employ...
4 answer
18.08.2019, 15:45
LiqPay Payment Reception Automation
LiqPay payment acceptance automation This will greatly speed up the processing of orders. No need to check payments manually. 1. Ability to create ...
Displaying the company structure
The biggest inconvenience is related to how the structure is displayed when there is a lot of nesting in the company. Several departments, departme...