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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

Improved the functionality of the action “Fill in the task or contact field”
For the action “Fill in the task or contact field”, the ability to use both ordinary variables and smarty to form a value has been added. Usage exa...
2015740390 - Improved functionality of the "Import Products from Google Sheets" action
For the automatic action once a minute "Import products from Google spreadsheets", the setting "Search products by barcode instead o...
2015743322 - Improved action "Export products in YML format"
For the "Export products in YML format" action, the setting "If the product has additional categories, copy the offer product tag an...
2015743679 - Improved the functionality of the action "Switch to the stage depending on the results of the search for a comment"
For the action "Switch to the stage depending on the results of the search for a comment", the setting "Only consider comment from&q...
2015743638 - Improved the functionality of the action "Fill in an additional field based on additional fields and lookup data"
For the action "Fill in an additional field based on additional fields and lookup data", the ability to select the lookup field "id ...
4 answer
11.02.2021, 18:36
The "Do not create a process..." checkbox in the "Add products from one process to another" action does not work
The action "Add products from one process to another" has been configured on the procedure: https://box.tyres-intc.com.ua/admin/shop/work...
6 replies
11.02.2021, 18:15
Horoshop comments
Good evening! tell me, is it possible to receive comments on the order that the client writes with good. If so, how?
3 answer
11.02.2021, 16:28
Why are sent emails duplicated in the system?
https://prnt.sc/z3ouol For some reason, the letters are duplicated, that is, they are sent to the addressee, and at the same time a copy will be se...
2 answer
How to delete deleted contacts?
How to delete deleted contacts?
Tell me, what did you set up wrong at the stage of returning the goods to the supplier? The fact is that I receive the goods at "Warehouse1&qu...