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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

5 replies
13.02.2021, 20:04
ROI of advertising campaigns
The ROI function of advertising campaigns does not work. order stage is not selected. /admin/shop/marketing/
6 replies
13.02.2021, 14:36
Verification on the forum
Guys, the client began to request verification Can't answer without it. Tell me how to turn it off or go through, since SMS does not come to ...
14 replies
13.02.2021, 13:27
Displaying TTN stamp from Nova Poshta
Good afternoon! Tell me, is there any action in Box that shows information from Nova Poshta that TTN is printed and enters this data in an addition...
Evaluate the refinement of mass operations with goods - Copy Price Levels
The essence of the desired action is to fully correlate the Price Levels for the selected products with the Specified Product in action. We select ...
6 replies
13.02.2021, 10:58
Comment feed
Now when there are changes to subtasks, only the id and the content of the change are displayed. https://prnt.sc/zbg22k Can it be corrected like th...
3 answer
12.02.2021, 17:49
Purchase price currency
When using the 1C integration module in OneBox, the currency of the purchase price is not recorded. All data is transferred, and the currency is se...
7 replies
12.02.2021, 17:46
Need to relink
You need to relink in the footer of the site to the following URLs: https://luxshina.ua/avtoshini/litni-shini/ https://luxshina.ua/avtoshini/d-13/l...
2 answer
12.02.2021, 16:40
Remove fields
When creating a new order, this field is displayed for me. When I click the "additional contacts" button, my home list expands. fields. e...
1 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
12.02.2021, 16:13
Technical support on the website https://crm-onebox.com/
I am automatically subscribed to deaky topics. How do you turn on what to fix?
2 answer
12.02.2021, 16:07
create access
the client cannot enter the forum, how to create access for him:?