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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

5 replies
Personal account, evaluate the revision (removal of the process)
It is necessary to evaluate the functionality, can we make it possible to massively delete processes in the personal account? Or against each proce...
5 replies
09.11.2020, 17:26
Wrong business process
Order 26777. Socket. There are 3 stores in the system. According to the TTn Start date: 11/04/2020 14:07:51 - the client received the order and we ...
13 replies
09.11.2020, 16:40
Problems displaying the Product Table
Added Products table to the BP interface. The first line is filled in correctly, the second and subsequent added lines display the fields in text f...
Order 972177 is not loaded by API (date of creation 22.10.2020)
Order 972177 is not loaded by API Stop the filter for 5 days so you don't get a great array of data Can you find out if the current orders came...
10 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
09.11.2020, 16:20
correct the replacement of double quotes with quot
when entering double quotes in the process block "Legal details" in the contact card ("Legal details" block), these quotes are ...
7 replies
Operation of the "Basket products in processes" block
http://saleswp0.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/storage/incoming/ In the interface settings of the incoming page /admin/shop/storage/incoming/settings/ t...
8 replies
09.11.2020, 15:48
filters on prom
Hello, please tell me how to correctly configure the transmission of filters to prom https://prnt.sc/vg4sxl now only the size is transmitted as a v...
23 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
09.11.2020, 15:38
The product came from the outlet (ROZETKA), but from 3 products that were in the order, the outlet only came in 2
Here is the order https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/order/26776/edit/ This product was not in the order in the box, but it was in the outlet htt...
8 replies
Email address in public matters
Good afternoon! I just noticed that in all public matters an email is published. Please delete, and you can configure that this information is not ...
1 answer
09.11.2020, 15:07
Boxing update
Please update our OneBox