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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

please eliminate the BUG of the system with incorrect write-offs and errors in them.
I repeatedly contact those support with problems related to double write-offs for BP, that the goods were not written off and it has Shipped listed...
4 answer
26.02.2021, 14:19
Forming an order and data for sending via NP
Good afternoon! Drop formed an order through personal account In the basket, I indicated the name and surname of the client, chose the branch and s...
19 replies
26.02.2021, 14:03
The action in the procedure "Change the date of the warehouse transaction" does not work
In BP 52, the procedure "Change the date of a warehouse transaction" (editing action) does not work. This procedure should take the date ...
1 answer
26.02.2021, 13:24
Domain change
The client has a redeemed license + template 23 and wants to change the domain What data is needed from the client and how many hours will it take?...
7 replies
26.02.2021, 13:00
Transferring Context to viber bot
Good afternoon. I send the client a link with a link to a viber bot of the following form: viber://pa?chatURI=ohrana_ua&context=131832&text...
13 replies
26.02.2021, 12:42
Do not import products from the site
Do not import products from the site. There are no new products in the box
6 replies
26.02.2021, 12:09
Pardon of the address at the warehouse-door
The client blames the pardon of the address in case of NP Warehouse-Doors: https://prnt.sc/107h8vn The editing method has automation enabled: https...
1 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
26.02.2021, 11:56
Call by processes with a filter by the date of creation of a contact
Good afternoon. Chi is the ability to induce Call by processes with a filter by the date of creation of a contact? There is no such possibility in ...
3 answer
26.02.2021, 11:51
Step Actions
It would be very cool if there were such opportunities in Boxing on the action page: 1. View the content of the action (as in the action menu) http...
10 replies
26.02.2021, 11:15
Opening of a partner forum
Respectable partners! I am happy to announce that we have launched the official OneBox Partner Support Forum! :) Until recently, communication with...