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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

1 answer
27.02.2021, 13:21
How to unload all the characteristics (filters) of a product into an XML file like a promotional one?
How to unload all the characteristics (filters) of a product into an XML file like a promotional one? Tried in various ways - but the characteristi...
On my site, two categories have merged into one. That is, the former category became a subcategory. I can't figure it out and go back to the pr...
2 answer
Contact preview in business process list, table.
help set up the display of contact previews in orders as a list. I want the preview to display additional fields with the information we need? Than...
6 replies
Тзов Екомора
Personal license
27.02.2021, 09:39
Consultation on Universal import of products (xml/json)
У мене стоїть на вигрузці прайс https://family-tex.com.ua/yandex_market.xml?hash_tag=c2eda6737bb8713681895d23a46...
Telegram bot (notification of new messages in the Unified Chat)
Please tell me how to set up a telegram bot, it is necessary that notifications about new messages (from bots) fall in the Unified Chat ?
2 answer
26.02.2021, 23:22
Presence setting in action Generic Products Import (xml/json)
Hello. 1) Please tell me, if the XML file contains the quantity of goods https://prnt.sc/107v9lj , then in which field it will be correct to indica...
Evaluate the revision - Set the value of the Additional product field through the menu of mass changes
in my CRM, a system of prices and discounts is implemented when the discount is placed in the additional field of the product. You need to be able ...
2 answer
Is it possible to make sure that not all payment and delivery methods are shown in the BP, but only certain ones.
Is it possible to make sure that not all payment and delivery methods are shown in the BP, but only certain ones.
Pardon for the posting of the Goods, the goods were posted twice as much
Order https://rovo.org.ua/admin/customorder/order/979847/edit/ Credited 2 times more than needed https://prnt.sc/107q5ov By warehouse type correct ...
Is it possible to make the Additional field of the Product of the process as a link to the site. perhaps evaluate the improvement
the product card contains links to this product on the sites, I have 3 sites, there in the Additional field of the String type (I also tried Text) ...