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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

1 answer
Joomla integration
Good afternoon! Do you have instructions for connecting with Joomla? Where can I get information to complete the integration?
facebook connection
Facebook connection required. where you can see how it will look like (entering questions in the messenger, comments, whether it is possible to set...
5 replies
25.03.2021, 17:58
image size in html
Document Template https://farfor.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/document/templates/17/control/ In it, I added the output of the image through a variable...
Fondy how does it work?
Found integration with Fondy https://practik.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/integrations/fondy-integration/control... Somehow clients need to send a payme...
1 answer
25.03.2021, 17:38
Do not come back from Rosettes
Good evening! Do not come to Boxing from sockets automation - https://gyazo.com/edf5a99f4932c4363dcd638b44ffb82d arrival stage - https://gyazo.com/...
OpenCart gives an error when requesting orders
Set up opencart according to the instructions (as usual) Here is the integration link https://tradework.com.ua/admin/shop/integrations/opencart-8/c...
6 replies
Printing price tags
I have a task to print product price tags, but it turns out that I need to use the process product fields for printing. Previously discussed that t...
1 answer
25.03.2021, 16:09
Incorrect printing
Good afternoon. I don't understand why Document #175 in #5611 Jobs is not displayed correctly when trying to print or download. Printing is pos...
13 replies
25.03.2021, 16:03
New mail: creation of TTN for branch 1 in the absence of a branch, duplicates of TTN
Good afternoon! There are a number of problems with integration with new mail: 1. Select the branch of delivery of the NP in the additional field o...
4 answer
25.03.2021, 15:56
Automatic fix URL in product card
Good afternoon. I insert a relative link into the product card in the field with the type text (html) (in the future I transfer the goods from the ...