Link copied -

Automatic fix URL in product card

Good afternoon.
I insert a relative link into the product card in the field with the type text (html) (in the future I transfer the goods from the box to the site)
<p>Link text</p>
But boxing itself replaces the link with
<p>Link text</p>
It is not correct that the source code itself is corrected. This should be done by the browser, not box. This is mistake. As a result, the link does not work.
https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/shop/products/2188/edit/#done "description" block
Original question is available on version: ru


Ptashkin Sergey wrote:
I insert a relative link into the product card in the field with the type text (html) (in the future I transfer the goods from the box to the site)
<p>Link text</p>
But boxing itself replaces the link with
<p>Link text</p>

Please specify the essence of the problem in more detail.
For from this description, it is not clear to me what is wrong.
26.03.2021, 15:35
Original comment available on version: ru

Yes, Maxim, it's really not clear, because the forum also corrected the links :)
I insert a relative link into the product card in the field with the type text (html) (in the future I transfer the goods from the box to the site)
../product1. html (only without spaces)
But boxing itself replaces the link with
Naturally, such an algorithm is unacceptable. The link must be converted by means of the browser. When I open this product on the site, the link should be with the site domain: ohrana.ua/product1.html
I'm attaching screenshots
26.03.2021, 18:23
Original comment available on version: ru

Please give me an answer or a time frame.
30.03.2021, 10:26
Original comment available on version: ru

Ptashkin Sergey wrote:
I insert a relative link into the product card in the field with the type text (html) (in the future I transfer the goods from the box to the site)
../product1. html (only without spaces)
But boxing itself replaces the link with
Naturally, such an algorithm is unacceptable. The link must be converted by means of the browser. When I open this product on the site, the link should be with the site domain: ohrana.ua/product1.html

Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way.
The editor itself adjusts the links to the full format depending on the current page - and to prevent this from happening, you must specify full links.
30.03.2021, 16:52
Original comment available on version: ru

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