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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

5 replies
Personal license
07.04.2021, 18:03
Hello. I wanted to clarify whether any work is being done on integration with hubber? The parent topic is already closed and I can’t write in it: h...
10 replies
07.04.2021, 17:33
When switching to a stage, the action "Fill in an additional field of the process or client based on the lookup" does not work
When switching to a stage, the action "Fill in an additional field of the process or client based on the lookup" does not work Product ID...
1 answer
Google maps (field type)
In my contact card there are 2 fields in which there should be an address. I need functionality that will allow additional. In the contact field, s...
5 replies
Character limit in templates
There is a created template https://box.ltec.com.ua/admin/shop/users/smsmailing/template/ If I try to select it in a bulk mail, I only get the firs...
2 answer
Shows an error: "Probably ran out of disk space"
It displays an error that the disk space is probably running out, in fact more than 80% is free. Site on hvosting. There are no problems from their...
1 answer
07.04.2021, 14:00
Access rights
Incorrect program operation. A restricted employee went to the "Online Users and Licenses" tab and blocked me from accessing the box. I h...
6 replies
07.04.2021, 13:51
Add. field with type multilist of contacts
There is an additional field. Field type: multilist of contacts. one. The process manually selects multiple values in this field. Then when creatin...
6 replies
no access to the system
your system was placed at avastanas.by ( Hetzner Online GmbH ) at the moment there is no access to it in the Google Chrome browser gives ----- &quo...
7 replies
Does not let in onebox - limit the number of sessions
Can't login to admin. vv.ua/admin "Your OneBox license has reached the maximum number of sessions:" Although there is not a single pe...
3 answer
It is not possible to set more than 2 conditions for displaying cell highlighting in a table
Right here https://nudefood.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/workflowstatus/288/interface/ And here if I set the 3rd condition, then the second one disap...